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Both MAM and MIACO will be promoting Made in USA brands throughout November and December. These packages are designed to bring attention to your brand and product and boosting holiday sales. Each post will include either a video or image, along with a CTA (call to action).


MAM & MIACo can each accept 16 Brands for November and 12 Brands for December

NOVEMBER 2019 – MIACo. + MAM Social Media Package

(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) This promotional runs from November 1st through November 24th.

  • 18  featured lifestyle posts (one every four (4) days) posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
    • We need from you:
      • Six (6) fully optimized images and one (1) video
      • Discount/Promo code to use with promo – MAM19-15, MAM19-20, etc…
      • Copy/content to use in post. Use hashtags for IG & Twitter and keywords for Facebook
      • Your CTA and link (we add tracking codes to all links)

DECEMBER 2019 – MIACo. + MAM Social Media Package

(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) This promotional runs from December 1st through December 18th.

  • 15 featured lifestyle posts, one every three (3) days, posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter 
    • We need from you:
      • Five (5) fully optimized images and one (1) video
      • Discount/Promo code to use with promo – MAM19-15, MAM19-20, etc…
      • Copy/content to use in post. Use hashtags for IG & Twitter and keywords for Facebook
      • Your CTA and link (we add tracking codes to all links)

Let’s put our team to work on your Holiday Promotions! Go ahead and place your order below. You may pick and choose the months and platforms you’d prefer. We will get started on your brand right away.

Holiday Social Media Marketing


FACEBOOK: Combined readers 357,750

  • The Made in America Movement 140,670
  • Made in America Co. 217,080

TWITTER: Combined readers 32,400

  • The Made in America Movement 14,200
  • Made in America Co. 18,200

INSTAGRAM: Combined readers 17,100

  • The Made in America Movement 11,489
  • Made in America Co. 5,611


  • Don’t let Facebook censor your news feed!!!

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