Memorial Day, US Flag, service members, brotherhood, marines, navy, army, air force, coast guard, national guards, military, armed forces, soldiers, honor, freedom, never forgotten

Don’t Say ‘Thank You For Your Service’ On Memorial Day

“I hope you’re having a meaningful day.”

That might be one of the better things to say to a veteran on Memorial Day. You should probably avoid the common refrain, “Thank you for your service,” according to someone who should know.

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memorial day traditions

Memorial Day Traditions and Ways to Remember our Nation’s Heroes

Beyond the Memorial Day sales and 3-day weekend – Memorial Day holds great importance in the hearts of Americans.  We were founded on a great love and passion for freedom and that freedom comes at a price. 

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USA Beef steak

What does the USDA stamp mean? Hint, it’s not Made in America.

Do you know where your beef is from? Chances are you don’t.

Just because your beef is stamped ​”​USDA​”​ does not mean that it came from cattle in the USA. ​ ​

Beef sold in the United States is sourced from over 20 different countries and comes here to be packaged and stamped “USDA.” The majority of cattle come from Canada or Mexico, but ​even those countries ​have vastly different laws than the US on caring for that cattle.

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Blkswn, Shloop, Made in USA sneakers, made in america sneakers, reshoring shoes, sneaker manufacturing, american made sneakers

BLKSWN: Reshoring Footwear with Local, Sustainable Manufacturing

Locally Designed and Manufactured Sneakers

Deep in the heart of Mississippi, locally designed and manufactured sneakers are starting to roll off the assembly line trailblazing an emerging transformation in the shoe industry for reshoring footwear manufacturing using sustainable materials and innovative technologies. BLKSWN, pronounced “Black Swan,” is a new footwear brand embodying the essence of a transformative force within the footwear industry. 

Read more: BLKSWN: Reshoring Footwear with Local, Sustainable Manufacturing

The term “black swan” describes a rare, unforeseen event with significant impact, typically recognized as the pivotal moment of transformation. This concept perfectly mirrors the mission of BLKSWN and its innovative manufacturing arm, Shloop, which aims to disrupt the traditional shoe manufacturing paradigm with a focus on local, sustainable, and innovative footwear manufacturing.

Why Make it in the USA 

Unlike many of its counterparts who opt for production in Asia, BLKSWN has taken a bold step to cultivate its operations in Mississippi, supporting the Made in America movement with a grassroots approach. BLKSWN’s dedication to local manufacturing is intertwined with its commitment to environmental sustainability. The brand harnesses innovative materials, such as BLOOM® algae foam, sourced from sustainable algae biomass and 3DTI® plant-based rubber components. Their products not only utilize a renewable resource but also introduce a hyper-cushioning material into their footwear that is less harmful to the environment yet provides dynamic performance over traditional synthetic materials.  

Central to BLKSWN’s mission is their pioneering shoe factory, Shloop™, located in downtown Meridian, Mississippi. Shloop isn’t just a factory; it’s a vision realized over a decade, aiming to empower and support other forward-thinking brands with the facilities to design, produce, and distribute products right from the heart of America. Shloop employs advanced 3DTI™ technology in its manufacturing processes. This technology enables the use of 3D printing, high-speed thermoforming, and plant-based rubber and recycled materials for economical and sustainable shoe manufacturing. This initiative is designed to shorten supply chains, reduce the environmental impact of long-distance transportation, and increase the flexibility and resilience of production processes.

Shloop’s strategic location and innovative practices offer numerous advantages, including faster turnaround times, reduced shipping costs, and a direct connection to the market, enhancing the overall efficiency and responsiveness of the supply chain. The benefits to BLKSWN are not just logistical but also contribute significantly to reducing the planetary impacts associated with manufacturing its products.

Innovative Sustainability

The recent global pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities of a globalized supply chain and sparked an increased demand for domestically produced goods. BLKSWN responds to this demand by combining the artisanal craftsmanship reminiscent of Italian shoemaking with modern, eco-friendly materials and innovative manufacturing techniques. Their debut collection features classic designs reengineered for contemporary life—integrating luxurious, yet sustainable materials with algae-infused cushioning to deliver unparalleled comfort and style.

BLKSWN is actively involved in community development, focusing on creating employment opportunities and nurturing talent within local communities. They are committed to training a new generation of skilled shoemakers, thereby contributing to the economic revitalization of underserved areas in Mississippi and beyond.

Through its innovative practices and commitment to sustainability and community engagement, BLKSWN is not just manufacturing shoes; it’s paving the way for a new era of high-quality, eco-conscious, and locally produced footwear. This bold move by BLKSWN is proving that it is possible to deliver exceptional quality and stylish footwear while adhering to principles of sustainability and local production, setting a new standard for the footwear industry in the USA.

Discover how you can support a transformative shift in the footwear industry by visiting their website: Explore their innovative collection, learn more about our sustainable practices, and become part of the movement that’s reshaping what it means to produce quality footwear responsibly.

Misrepresentation and False Claims: Albion Fined False Made In USA Claims

The recent legal repercussions faced by Albion Engineering Corp. for false ‘Made in USA’ claims highlight a critical aspect of consumer trust and market integrity. With a substantial $2 million fine imposed by the U.S. District Court, the case reveals the gravity of misleading product origin declarations.

As the lawsuit unfolds, it prompts reflection on the broader implications of deceptive marketing practices and their impact on businesses and consumers.

Stay tuned to discover how this legal action is a cautionary tale for companies managing the delicate balance between competitiveness and ethical transparency in the marketplace.

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Super Bowl Sunday Made in USA Fun facts - Made in America

Super Bowl Sunday: 45 Fun Facts Including Some Made in USA Brands

1888 Factory Closing, Domestic Textile Industry, Manufacturing, Made in USA

Final Blow to US Manufacturing: Last Terry Plant Shuts Down

The closure of the last remaining terry plant in the United States marks a significant milestone in the decline of domestic manufacturing. This development serves as a somber reminder of the uphill battle faced by American producers in the global economy. Rising operational costs and the allure of cheap labor overseas have made it increasingly challenging for domestic manufacturers to compete.

However, the ramifications of this closure extend far beyond the plant itself. The impact on local communities, small businesses, and the overall American economy cannot be understated. As we explore the implications of this closure, it becomes clear that the future of the domestic textile industry is at stake.

In order to revive and sustain American manufacturing, innovative strategies and a reevaluation of trade policies will be crucial. The closure of the last terry plant serves as a wake-up call, highlighting the urgent need for action and the potential consequences if we fail to address this issue.

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Kubota false made in usa claim, made in the usa certified, made in usa certification, verify made in usa, made in usa verification

Kubota Slapped With Historic Penalty for False 'Made in USA' Claims

In recent times, Kubota North America Corporation, a prominent player in the tractor and heavy equipment manufacturing industry, has been handed a hefty $2 million civil penalty by the Department of Justice. This penalty, the result of a legal wrangle involving allegations of misrepresenting the origins of replacement parts, has been dictated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The FTC claims that Kubota has breached the Made in USA labeling rule, asserting that the company failed to amend product labels to denote the true origins of parts accurately. This instance is not the first of its kind, as it echoes a similar violation by a Kubota subsidiary in 1999.

It’s critical to note that Kubota is displaying an active commitment to resolving these issues, cooperating fully with the U.S. government and putting into place improved labeling accuracy measures. Such an unprecedented case brings into question the broader implications for other manufacturers and the enforcement of the Made in USA Labeling Rule.

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What does “MADE IN USA” mean?

There is so much discussion these days around the MADE IN USA label.  What does it take to use the label “Made in USA” and can you trust it when you see it? 

This article will tell you everything you need to know.

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Buy American Made: The Many Astounding Ways You Can Express Your Values with Your Pocket Book

Buy American Made: Ways to Express Your Values With Your Pocket Book

In today’s global market, where products are manufactured has become a significant consideration for consumers. Many individuals seek to align their purchasing choices with their personal values, particularly by buying American-made products.

This article explores the importance of buying American-made goods and provides strategies for identifying truly American products in a market that can sometimes be misleading.

By making informed decisions and supporting local businesses, consumers have the potential to positively impact both the economy and society as a whole.

Key Takeaways

  • Purchasing American-made products allows individuals to align their spending with their values.
  • Buying American-made products can support local communities and small businesses.
  • Labels such as USDA Organic and Made in USA Certified help consumers make environmentally conscious choices.
  • Identifying truly American products can be challenging, so buyers should do their own research and remain cautious.

The Power of Purchasing: How Buying American-Made Products Reflects Your Values

Purchasing American-made products allows consumers to align their values with their spending choices, reflecting their commitment to supporting local businesses and ethical manufacturing practices. When consumers choose to buy American-made products, they are not only supporting the local economy, but also promoting fair labor practices and sustainable sourcing of materials.

Ethically sourced materials play a significant role in the production of American-made products, ensuring that the supply chain is transparent and free from exploitation.

Additionally, consumer education plays a crucial role in promoting the purchase of American-made products. By educating consumers about the benefits of buying American-made, they can make informed decisions and actively contribute to a more sustainable and ethical economy.

Ultimately, purchasing American-made products empowers consumers to make a positive impact by supporting local businesses and promoting ethical manufacturing practices.

Supporting Local Agriculture: Ethical Food Choices That Align With Your Pocket Book

Supporting local agriculture and making ethical food choices allows consumers to contribute to their community and promote sustainable farming practices. By purchasing locally grown or raised products, consumers support local farmers and reduce the distance between producers and consumers. This not only helps to strengthen the local economy but also allows consumers to have a direct impact on the quality and safety of their food.

Additionally, choosing food labels such as USDA Organic, free range, hormone-free, and grass-fed helps consumers make environmentally conscious choices. These labels indicate that the food has been produced using sustainable farming methods and supports the well-being of animals.

Finding Authentic American-Made Products: Tips and Resources to Guide Your Purchasing Decisions

One way to ensure the authenticity of American-made products is by checking for specific labels or certifications that indicate their origin. These labels serve as reliable resources for consumers who want to make informed purchasing decisions.

The ‘Made in the USA’ label, regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), is an important indicator of a product’s origin. However, it is essential for buyers to remain cautious and do their own research, as some companies may misuse this label. The FTC also receives complaints about mislabeled products, but investigations and penalties are limited.

To find authentic American-made products, consumers can rely on resources such as the National Center for Employee Ownership, which provides a list of companies owned by their employees. Additionally, regional and national firms are the main source of American-made products, and their status can be easily checked.

Assessing the American Content: Understanding the Criteria for Identifying Truly American Products

The American Automobile Labeling Act (AALA) requires automobiles and trucks to display the percentage of domestically produced content. This act aims to provide consumers with information about the origin of the components used in their vehicles.

To further assess the American content of vehicles, the Kogod Made in America Auto Index incorporates the AALA and adds additional criteria. This index allows consumers to compare the American content of different vehicles and make informed purchasing decisions.

However, outside of automobiles, textiles, and furs, there is no specific identification of product origin or components required. This poses challenges in identifying truly American products, as companies can claim a product is ‘Made in the USA’ as long as it has negligible foreign content and final assembly or processing in the U.S.

Buyers should therefore remain cautious and do their own research when relying on the ‘Made in the USA’ label.

Overall, the AALA and the Kogod American Content Index provide valuable tools for assessing the American content of products and making informed purchasing decisions.

Navigating Challenges: Ensuring Your Purchases Reflect Your Values Amidst Misleading Claims

Amidst misleading claims, it is crucial to carefully navigate the challenges of ensuring that your purchases truly align with your values.

While the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates the ‘Made in the USA’ label, investigations and penalties are limited. The FTC often receives complaints from manufacturing competitors, but settlements with no civil penalties are common.

However, California has stricter regulations and higher penalties for misusing the ‘Made in the USA’ label. Buyers should remain cautious and do their own research when relying on the label.

It is important to be aware of FTC regulations and the potential penalties in California to avoid falling victim to misleading claims. By understanding these regulations and penalties, consumers can make informed decisions and ensure that their purchases reflect their values.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Buying American-Made Products Reflect Your Values?

Buying American-made products allows individuals to support their local economy and preserve American jobs. By making conscious purchasing choices, consumers align their values with their pocketbooks, contributing to the well-being of their community and the nation.

What Are Some Resources to Help You Find Authentic American-Made Products?

Online directories and local craft fairs are valuable resources for finding authentic American-made products. These platforms provide access to a wide range of products, allowing consumers to support local businesses and make informed purchasing decisions.

What Criteria Are Used to Assess the American Content of Vehicles?

Assessment criteria are used to evaluate the American content of vehicles, including the American Automobile Labeling Act and the Kogod Made in America Auto Index. Manufacturing regulations require companies to accurately label products as "Made in the USA."

How Does the Federal Trade Commission Regulate the "Made in the Usa" Label?

The Federal Trade Commission regulates the ‘Made in the USA’ label, ensuring that companies claiming this designation meet certain criteria, such as negligible foreign content and final assembly or processing in the U.S. However, investigations and penalties are limited, and buyers should exercise caution when relying on this label.

What Challenges Do Consumers Face in Identifying Truly American Products?

Identifying American products can pose challenges for consumers. The Federal Trade Commission regulates the "Made in the USA" label, but investigations and penalties are limited. Consumers should remain cautious and do their own research to ensure product origin.