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Join The Made in America Movement!

Please fill out the form below for more information on membership with The Made in America Movement. A Membership Manager from MAM will follow up shortly.


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To be considered for MAM Membership, your product(s) should be at least 70% American made: raw materials, labor, and any related costs go into this figure; final assembly of the product must be in the USA. The company must be American owned. Service providers, suppliers, distributors, on-line retail stores, business associations, alliances, and organizations must be headquartered (100%) in the US and must employ US citizens. A letter of authenticity on company letterhead stating locations of all offices within the United States of America will be required.

If your products are less than 70% American made, you can still join MAM as a sponsor to be highlighted to our community. We love to tell the stories of companies of all sizes that are making Made in USA an initiative. Let your sponsorship in MAM be part of that investment and company culture.

The Made in America Movement is the oldest and largest organization dedicated to promoting American businesses and the families that rely on them. Our members range from mom-and-pop shops to early-stage consumer goods companies to mid-sized companies, and large corporations.

We have 4 membership levels to support all of these companies and accommodate your investment in Made in USA. We have a startup membership that will list your company on our website for $50 per year, and regular memberships starting at $500 per year.

While there is a ton of information about The Made in America Movement on our website, we’re happy to talk with you and answer any questions you have. Please fill out the form above to speak with our team.

We have found a perfect match in collaborating with The Made in America Movement. We’ve been manufacturing jeans in the USA since 1987, so it seemed like a no-brainer after speaking with Margarita from MAM about getting involved with her organization. We feel this group has the same ideals and vision we have when it comes to American Made products. Our customers are patriots who believe in keeping Americans working, which are the same followers The Made in America Movement cater to. Since joining their movement we’ve seen a boost in website traffic which has led to a boost in subscribers and an increase in sales. Their social media promotions are easy and effective. The beautiful and boldly patriotic photography they use grabs the attention of our Facebook followers. Margarita Mendoza and The Made in America Movement have become a great friend and asset to Diamond Gusset and we look forward to all future collaborations.

We at Authenticity 50 are extremely grateful to learn that The Made in America Movement (MAM) thought of us for the Made in America roundtable event, and put our name forward to the White House. It was a great honor to be chosen to be there, representing American-made. And it is an experience we will never forget. We have greatly enjoyed our partnership with MAM this year, and are happy to be involved with this amazing USA-made support organization.

I believe the impact The Made in America Movement (MAM) made at the Made in America Roundtable was significant. I am very thankful to MAM for the invitation and the role Margarita and Kurt played in putting together this opportunity, proves that MAM membership has its advantages…Tremendous opportunity for BlankSlate Coasters.

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